Doing the Best I Can Here

I’m a traveler.  Just not in the traditional sense that you’re thinking.  How I got all wrapped up in this is a long story that I’ll explain later.  But to all of you in 2020 right now just know that I’m really really sorry.  Please understand that I’m doing the best I can here...  Also sorry about the whole murder hornets thing.  That was totally my bad.

I work as an intern for a government agency called the Kronos Adjustment, and Readjustment, or Enhance Now division, or K.A.R.E.N for short.  Look I didn’t pick it.

The emergence of COVID-19 is what we call in time travel speak as a “Stakeholder” event.  In other words it can’t be prevented.  K.A.R.E.N tried to avert the assasination of JFK sixteen times before we figured this out.  Also there was that time we tried to kill baby Hitler.  And boy, I REALLY don’t want to get into that… But there are some things we CAN change, and the mandate of the organization is to create the best possible reality for the future of humanity.

The problem we run into often is the butterfly effect.  One small change can really fuck things up somewhere else down the line.  So for every time jump we do heavy analysis like butterfly branching, or predictive consequence mapping.  Sometimes we really nail things and see them coming.  But because time is a bitch other events just sort of come out of left field.  Remember that time scary clowns took the streets?  We kinda allowed that as a byproduct of preventing World War III.  Hey, it’s complicated.

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